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Yesterday, hundreds gathered in Washington, DC to honor and commemorate the life and legacy of Senator Joe Lieberman, a true statesman who dedicated his life to serving our country. As friends, family, and colleagues came together at Washington Hebrew Congregation to remember him, the celebration of his life was a testament to the values he cherished and the impact he made. 

Senator Lieberman embodied the virtues of dignity and integrity and he always believed Democrats and Republicans could and should come together for the good of the country. As his former running mate Vice President Al Gore said so eloquently, "He put friendship over anger. He practiced reconciliation as a form of grace. I believe we can all learn from Joe's life some critical lessons about how we might heal the rancor in our nation today." 

Senator Lieberman remains a north star for our movement as the "Lieberman way" is the only way Americans can break free from this cycle of division that is tearing us apart. 

We invite you to join us in this endeavor and sign our card and share a short message with his family honoring his legacy. 

Sign our card here: